Sunday, October 22, 2017

My Love Affair

I picked up my bible the other day, quite by accident.  I meant to pick up something else, and found the bible in my hand instead.  I realized my mistake right away and went to put it back but I couldn't.  It felt glued to my hand.  It's an average size bible, a New Revised Standard Version, without maps or commentary, but, as I held it, it felt wrong to just put it down.  I held it in my hand, looked at it, and wondered what was drawing me to this book at this time.  I looked at the clock, saw my group book study was about to begin, and intentionally placed the book on my desk where I could pick it up again later.

I continued throughout the day to look at my bible.  I touched it, picked it up, moved it, and stared at it, wondering what was pulling me.

After putting more thought into it, I began to wonder if I was having a love affair with the bible.  I know that sounds crazy, but those are the words that popped into my head.  A love affair.  You see, I am fascinated by the stories of the bible.  I love the poems and some of the phrases and verses.  I love reading commentary on it and learning about people's struggle with it.  I am always wanting to spend more and more time with the bible. 

And actually, what I have realized, is that this love affair is not new and I'm just finally able to name it.  I'm not sure when it started.  I've always had an interest but I think this love affair has heated up recently, from a casual encounter to a deeper sense of longing and purpose.

I know some may have difficulty with calling this fascination with the bible a love affair, partly because it's a book and also because it's a patriarchal book filled with violence, sexual abuse, and some very flawed people.  The bible is far from a romantic, loving novel with happy endings.

But most love affairs are also far from perfect.  I am far from perfect and I can't say I know anyone who is perfect.  My husband and I have been married for 20 years, and we continue to frustrate and get annoyed with one another, pick at each other's flaws, and wish we were different.  I still want to remain married, but our relationship comes with good and bad.  Our love affair has its ups and downs, but it holds my fascination and I still long to spend time with my husband.

After 20 years, my love affair with my husband is still growing strong.  He still makes me laugh and I still surprise him.  We look past the imperfections and flaws and try to accept one another for who we are.  We spend time together, grow together, learn from one another, and work hard to make our relationship work. 

My love affair with the bible can be seen similarly.  I've decided to be more intentional about growing and deepening this connection that I feel.  I've known for a little while that it is possible to read the whole bible in a year and that there are websites or apps that provide assistance.  I have found one that I will use and I will start from the beginning, with the book of Genesis and I'm going to use a fairly new translation called, The Inclusive Bible.  
Hopefully, by this time next year, I will have read the entire bible and maybe will be considering a second time through.

I know that some parts will feel inspirational.  Other stories will make me cringe and wonder why I'm doing this.  I know there will be times when it's so boring, that I will want to quit.  All of this really does sound like a relationship though and I look forward to strengthening this relationship and seeing where it takes me.  Love affairs can sometimes be fleeting but they can sometimes grow to be meaningful and long lasting.  We'll see where this one takes me.

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